Property Details

Richmond Harbour, Clondra, Co.Longford. N39WK24. - Clondra

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  • Map Killian Clondra

Sale Agreed €159,000.00 - RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY
114 sq. Mtrs + store + yard.3 Bedrooms1 Bathroom  Add to Favorites Print

Richmond Harbour,     Clondra village,     The 46th. Lock,   The starting point of the Royal Canal and the Royal Canal Greenway. A beautiful and tranquil location in which to live, work or play.  This may well be the opportunity you were waiting for.

Steeped in history and strategically placed along the harbour’s edge this extensive property comprises residence, yard and grain store. In need of total refurbishment the property could be your dream home, business opportunity or both.

With a floor are of c-114 sq. mtrs. the original residence included entrance hall,  reception room, living room and kitchen, four bedrooms and bathroom.

The adjoining building has a two storey lofted area over vehicular access to the spacious yard.

While in need of total refurbishment the property has excellent potential and may qualify for the vacant property refurbishment grant.

What is the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant?
The Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant provides funding so you can refurbish vacant and derelict homes in regional towns and villages. It can also be used to renovate properties that have not be used as residential properties before.

To get the grant you must live in the home as your principal private residence when the work is completed.

You can get up to €30,000 to renovate a vacant property and an additional top-up grant of up to €20,000, if the property is derelict.

The grant is funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage through the Croí Cónaithe (Towns) Fund and you apply to your local authority. The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has information about the grant including an FAQ.

All things considered this is a property with endless scope and appeal. Well worth exploring to book your viewing now, contact John, 043 3341176 or 086 8346559 at anytime.

Some more information on the Harbour.

Richmond Harbour is the starting point of the Royal Canal and Royal Canal Greenway and is a location on the new National Famine Way.  It is located in the village of Cloondara about 8 kilometres from Longford Town. It is the location where the River Shannon, River Camlin and The Royal Canal meet. Completed in 1817, it is still in use today for the mooring of boats from the Shannon via the Camlin River.  A lock connects the harbour with the River Camlin, a tributary of the River Shannon. A short distance from the harbour, the 1 kilometre long Clondra Canal and Lock links the River Camlin with the River Shannon. It is also possible to travel upstream along the River Camlin for about 5 kilometres to where it joins the River Shannon at the southern end of Lough Forbes.

The harbour can admit vessels up to 75 feet long and 14′ 6″ beam while a five foot depth is maintained over the upper sill of the lock. The dry dock can admit any vessel capable of passing through the lock. When restoration work was completed in 1969, it was decided to refurbish the disused Cloondara Canal and lock. The canal is carried in a very deep cutting, portions of which had collapsed. The lock and most of the canal were dewatered and repairs carried out in the dry.  New lock gates were built and fitted and repairs carried out at the lock chamber.

The completed works at Richmond Harbour and the Cloondara Canal are a valuable asset to the Shannon Navigation. They have added considerably to the interest of cruising in the area and have restored the focal point of the pleasant and lovely village of Cloondara. The harbour is also a very good kayaking area.



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